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Extension setup (Point-and-Shoot)

Point-and-Shoot allows you to launch the main application when you press Enter on a file. This method is widely used in Windows but it fails to define the application in a handy way for a user. Using Frigate you can do it with a great number of additional options. Besides the standard method Frigate allows you to define the application yourself. This application will launch when you press Enter (double left mouse click), Alt+Enter, or ask for an external viewer or editor.

Extension setup

This dialog allows you to add, edit and delete extensions and applications. You can set several extensions dividing them by ";" and associate a command file with them. You can use the follwing macros:

  • ! - The name pf the current file in the active panel
  • $ - The name of the current file in the passive panel
  • .! - Extension of the current file in the active panel
  • .$ - Extension of the current file in the passive panel
  • !\ - The name of the current folder in the active panel
  • $\ - The name of the current folder in the passive panel
  • !/ - The name of the folder of the current file in the active panel (without "\" in the end)
  • $/ - The name of the folder of the current file in the passive panel (without "\")
  • !: - The name of the drive of the current file in the active panel
  • $: - The name of the drive of the current file in the passive panel

янбер! Please make a double click in the editor to paste a file through Open File Dialog.
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