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Toolbar - Main

Main options
  • Language - Select the interface.
  • Show Frigate icon in system tray - When Frigate is minimized the icon appears in the system tray next to the clock not in the taskbar. Click this icon to restore Frigate.

    Note: You can also restore Frigate by Alt+Tab. If you have Win2000 press Enter besides Alt+Tab.
  • Auto save desktop - Check this checkbox to save desktop after Frigate is closed.
  • Minimize application when press button Close - Close button will minimize Frigate not close it.
  • Show advanced settings - check this checkbox to see advanced settings. Note that advanced settings are for advanced users!

Main - Toolbar

  • Menu style - Select the style you like: Standart, OfficeXP or WindowsXP.
  • Text options - selective text on the right, show text labels or no text labels.
  • Icon options - Select icons size (small or large).

Main - File associations

File associations

You can select Frigate as the program by default used to view, open, edit files of the chosen type. To do this check the box near extension or a group of extensions you want to associate Frigate with.

Main - Interface

  • Hotkeys for Restore/Hide Frigate - Select the hotkey that restores/hides Frigate.
  • Tab position in Pages - Select the position of bookmarks (Top/Bottom).
  • Autocomplete command line - The command line will be automatically completed.
    Example: If you ever typed primer.exe 1.txt 2.txt in the command line, Frigate will complete primer.exe with 1.txt 2.txt when you type it again.
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