Frigate Hot Keys
File manager
File selection
Insert, Spacebar |
Insert/Ņut selection |
Ctrl A |
Select/Unselect all |
Num+ |
Select files using wildcards (Numeric keypad plus) |
Ctrl Num+ |
Select files of current group |
Num- |
Deselect files using wildcards (Numeric keypad minus) |
Ctrl Num- |
Unselect files of current group |
Num* |
Invert file and folder selection |
Ctrl Num* |
Invert file selection |
Shift+Arrows |
Select a range of files |
Ctrl Num/ |
Restore last selection |
Alt F1 |
Change drive in left browser |
Alt F2 |
Change drive in right browser |
Ctrl PageUp, BackSpace |
Go to folder above |
Ctrl \ |
Go to root drive |
Alt BackSpace |
Go to previous directory |
Ctrl Left/Right Arrow |
Navigation in drive bar |
File operations
F5 |
Copy selected files to companion browser |
F6 |
Move selected files to companion browser |
Shift F6, F2 |
Rename file or folder |
F7 |
Make a new folder |
F8, Del |
Move selected files to the recycle bin or delete selected files (tuned) |
Alt+E |
Set file attributes |
Ctrl+C |
Copy selected files to clipboard |
Ctrl+V |
Paste files from the clipboard |
Ctrl F |
Show FTP List |
Ctrl Shift F |
Quick Connect to FTP |
F3 |
Extract current file in temp dir and view it |
F8 |
Delete selected files |
Shift F1 |
Pack selected files |
Shift F2 |
Unpack current archive to companion browser |
Ctrl PageDown |
Enter in SFX(exe) archive or any other archive with an extraodinary extension |
Tab |
Activate the companion panel |
F3 on dir |
Calculate folder size |
Ctrl H |
Show\hide hidden files |
Alt E |
Set or view file attributes |
Ctrl D |
Compare directories |
Alt B |
Change file sort |
Ctrl+F11 |
Create new file manager |
Ctrl Ins |
Copy to full file name to clipboard |
Ctrl Shift Ins |
Copy to only file name to clipboard |
Editor Hot Keys
Block operations
Alt+Shift+Cursor keys |
Select vertical block. It doesn't work when division of words is on. |
Shift+Cursor keys |
Select block |
Ctrl+K -> Ctrl+I |
Shift block right |
Ctrl+K -> Ctrl+U |
Shift block left |
Ctrl-A |
Select all text |
Shift-Ins, Ctrl-V |
Paste block from clipboard |
Shift-Del, Ctrl-X |
Cut block |
Ctrl-Ins, Ctrl-C |
Copy block to clipboard |
Del |
Delete a char (or a block if it is selected) |
Ctrl+Y |
Delete line |
Ctrl+BackSpace |
Delete word left |
Ctrl+T |
Delete word under the cursor |
| |

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